Make a big impact in your home or office with a stunning cowhide rug. Discover everything you need to know about them.
If you are looking to enhance your living room or office space, you simply cannot go wrong with a cowhide rug. Cowskin rugs look incredible; they have a bold yet elegant feel to them, which is highly desirable. Real cowhide rugs can transform any area, becoming the statement piece within the room. However, if you have never been in the market for a cowhide rug before, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the options that are available. With that being said, we have put this guide together to give you a helping hand.
What is a cowhide rug?
There is only one place to begin, and this is by explaining what a cowhide rug is. A cowhide rug is a rug that is made by using the complete hair and skin of a cow. This is then cured, and there are two options here. A lot of brands will use the vegetable tanning process, which is more eco-friendly. The other option is the chrome tanning method. Irrespective of how the rug is cured, the result is a piece that is durable yet soft, containing the unique markings of the animal. No two cowhide rugs are the same
One of the reasons why cowhide rugs have become so popular is because they are so unique. You will find that no two cow skin rugs are the same, and so you will have no trouble finding something that makes a real statement in your home or office. After all, no cow is the skin, and so all rugs are unique in their markings.
As mentioned, you have a whole host of different designs and styles to select from. You can choose from items such as:
With so many different designs and options available, you should have no trouble finding the perfect cowskin rug for your
home or office.

Your rug will last for many years
A cowskin rug is a true investment. The durable nature of this rug means you are going to benefit from a piece that will last you for many years to come! With a little bit of care, you have a statement piece that is made to last. Cowhide rugs are highly versatile Another reason why cowhide rugs make a great investment is that they are very versatile. Not only do people use these rugs in their bedrooms, living areas, and offices, but we have seen a lot of people hang them onto the wall as well. When a real cowhide rug is framed or hung on the wall, guests will be able to enjoy a clear view of the tapestry of nature, making it an incredible sight to behold. As cowskin rugs come in a number of different shades, you can be certain to find one that matches in with the decor of your office or home. If you are searching for something that makes a bold statement, tricolour cowskin rugs would be an amazing choice. However, not only do these rugs have the natural feel of cowhide, but they can also make a beautiful centrepiece within your home. Sofas and leather chairs look amazing when a cowhide rug acts as the main piece bringing everything in the room together. Some people will also use elegant cowhide rugs and place them over their sofa as a throw, adding a real rustic vibe to the room. The options are well and truly endless! Natural and hypo-allergic If you are looking to give your decor more of an organic feel, a cowskin rug is just the thing you have been looking for. Cowhide rugs bring together a unique blend of sizes and colours. They provide the ultimate solution for anyone who is looking to add a touch of nature to their environment. In addition to this, cowhide rugs are free of fragrance and they are hypoallergenic too. This means you do not need to worry about continually vacuuming or clearing the air in order to breathe in a peaceful and free manner. For a comfortable and cosy way of living, you will struggle to find something better than a cowhide rug. Cowskin rugs are easy to look after You won’t have to spend a lot of time looking after your cowskin rug and trying to maintain its beauty, as is the case with a lot of other materials that are available today! With a cowskin rug, all you need to do is give it a shake to remove the loose debris and dust or give it a quick vacuum. Using a hard plastic brush to brush the rug will help to get rid of any dirt and keep the hair fluffy and soft. If you spill anything on the rug, be it food, juice, tea, coffee, wine, or anything else, use a sponge or paper towel to absorb the liquid first. You will find that liquid substances do not tend to penetrate the cowskin hide, so you should not have too much to worry about if you are a little bit clumsy! Final words on cowhide rugs If you are looking to add some serious style to your home or office, cowhide rugs can provide you with the perfect way of doing so. You can choose from a whole host of different colours, styles, and sizes. However, no matter what rug you go for, you can be sure that you will add heaps of elegant style to the room in which it is placed. Take a look at the wide range of cowhide rugs that we have for sale and we are sure you will be able to find the perfect one for your home. These natural rugs make an elegant and chic statement. Plus, they are made to last!